If you have reached this page by typing in your favorite search engine: "Ghost", "Ghost Certificate", "Ghost R", "Ghost Russia", "Ghost Certificate" means that this article is working the best and that Ghost is not a certificate used in Russia, nor in any other state, but a phantom.
Know that it is a common mistake, and Google estimates that thousands of searches each month around the world are carried out only through the wrong keyword in the search for information about the GOST R certification, which is actually in force in Russia.
The error is so common that many of the players in the market of Russian GOST invest money in the so-called targeted advertising in the search for the misspelling word, probably a little hoping that if the customer does not even know the name of the product, negotiation is going to be the most simple and the final cost of Gost R certification higher.
For this reason I strongly suggest, in conflict with being a business operator, to feel more then a company before you make your choices, especially if you are new to this experience. Also compares well the estimates, which can vary in price as well as content, it is not said that you are being offered the same thing and that maybe they really are offering something that you do not need.