Gost R e Unione Doganale Russia-Kazakhstan-Bielorussia il cammino verso lo standard unico continua
Gost R por Rusia y la Union Aduanera de Rusia, Kazajstan y Belarusia
As you may know on July 6, 2010, with the final ratification by Belarus, came into force the Customs area between Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. The goalshall be the 1st January 2012 when, according to the schedule, should be fully operational the free trade area among the three countries former USSR, which,according to the agreements, can boast of a common external tariff. In additionto standardize customs laws, the recognition of the country of origin of goodsand collection of data on businesses.
To this end, the union, which was established within the Eurasian Economic Community (EueAsEC), has two main organs. The first is the commission: born in 1997, it is tasked to take decisions, resolve disputes and ensure that agreements are respected. The second organ is the court of EurAsEC, whichinherits its functions by the CIS Economic Court.
To this end, the union, which was established within the Eurasian Economic Community (EueAsEC), has two main organs. The first is the commission: born in 1997, it is tasked to take decisions, resolve disputes and ensure that agreements are respected. The second organ is the court of EurAsEC, whichinherits its functions by the CIS Economic Court.
As said, it is a free trade area, therefore more resembling the European FreeTrade Association (Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland) that an economic community provided with such as the EU single market. Theenforcement took place as planned on 1 July last year, when the three stateshave abolished internal border controls, thus creating an area that boasts 180 million consumers and 83% of the economic potential of the Soviet Union . This obviously makes the customs union, a goal extremely sensitive to international economic players who intend to export to an expanded Russia area and a lot of potential.
The customs union not only eliminates the controls and the system of internal customs tax for the three countries, but also simplifies the procedures for certification. The customs union has indeed created a special series of certificates, called certification EurAsEC, which takes place of Gost certificate extending the validity to all the union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, while leaving the existing certificates of the respective states: Gost R for Russia, Gost K for Kazakhstan and BelST for Belarus, which can still be requested andwhich continue to be valid only within the issuing state. On the contrary, what was the sanitary certificate of the Russian Federation, is completely replaced and its validity extended to the whole customs union by the new Sanitary Certificate EurAsEC.
The first certificate of conformity, with the same functions as the certificate of conformity GOST R, but with validity expanded to the three countries, was issued on March 10, 2011 in favor of an economic entity of the Russian region of Tatarstan.
The first certificate of conformity, with the same functions as the certificate of conformity GOST R, but with validity expanded to the three countries, was issued on March 10, 2011 in favor of an economic entity of the Russian region of Tatarstan.