venerdì 16 settembre 2011

Gost R, Technical Regulation, custom duties and export of wine to Russia

The Customs Service of the Russian Federation in accordance with agreements with the countries of the EU provides a mutual exchange of information, among many others, also with regard to exports to Russia of wine and wine products in general. The latest figures that have reached the databases of the Russian authorities have information on ordinary wine products from France, Italy, Spain and Germany.

The first exchange of this kind of information was initiated by EU customs authorities of the Russian Federation in 2007. After four years and many changesin the field of alcohol, among others, the new technical regulations (GOST Rvariant) of the customs union EurAsEC on the safety of alcohol, it was natural toinclude the measures of customs administrations in Russia and in Europe .

The customs authorities are concentrating their efforts towards the prevention ofunderreporting value at the customs and then an underestimation of the tax baseby importers who seek to create conditions to profit from evasion of customs duties and taxes.

In all cases the work performed by the customs authorities should not influence theprice mechanisms in the domestic market of the Russian Federation, entirely determined by other factors, making only, more complicated scam with thecustoms and revenue for speculators smaller.

It should be emphasized that most of the costs related to imports of wine productsis due as a payment of VAT, which however is then returned to importers to the budget.

Some market participants seeking to exploit every opportunity to advertisealcoholic products and create a strong demand, probably too much, sending false information on the situation created by the customs administration to the media.

We must also point out that such actions are contrary to Art. 21 of the Federal Law "On advertising", which prohibits the advertising of alcohol products on television, radio and movies.