Gost R e Rosstandart: l'agenzia federale per la regolamentazione tecnica e la metrologia
Gost R y la agencia federal para la Regulación Técnica y Metrología Gosstandart
The body of control and regulation of Certificate GOST R is the Gosstandart, the federal agency for technical regulation and metrology, the executive body of the Russian Federation under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
It was established on 20 May 2004 in compliance with the act of the President of the Russian Federation № 649 "Inquiries on the structure of federal executive bodies".
The Federal Agency for technical regulation has the task of carrying out differenttasks in the framework of law in Russia: the first has to manage, supervise and regulate the adoption of standards and technical regulations within the Russian Federation, in order to comply with this, for example, it oversights the issuance ofcertificates of adherence to technical standards (Certificate GOST R), and the second is for example to be responsible for the supervision of production and repair of measuring instruments.
Federal agency for technical regulation and metrology carry out the functionsconferred on it by the Government of the Russian Federation through its territorial bodies and subordinate organizations.
Among the most common Gosstandart that oversees are:
Gost R y la agencia federal para la Regulación Técnica y Metrología Gosstandart
It was established on 20 May 2004 in compliance with the act of the President of the Russian Federation № 649 "Inquiries on the structure of federal executive bodies".
The Federal Agency for technical regulation has the task of carrying out differenttasks in the framework of law in Russia: the first has to manage, supervise and regulate the adoption of standards and technical regulations within the Russian Federation, in order to comply with this, for example, it oversights the issuance ofcertificates of adherence to technical standards (Certificate GOST R), and the second is for example to be responsible for the supervision of production and repair of measuring instruments.
Federal agency for technical regulation and metrology carry out the functionsconferred on it by the Government of the Russian Federation through its territorial bodies and subordinate organizations.
Among the most common Gosstandart that oversees are: